Ryvers School is a thriving, diverse primary school for children aged 3-11 years. Based in Slough, Berkshire, UK. Currently is has approximately 650 students and growing. Their vision is to be an outstanding school with high aspirations that includes technology. They have technology in over 23 classrooms and open spaces.
Primary School
650 Students
Technology in over 23 classrooms
No central network management system
Needed rapid implementation
Cloud-enabled enterprise WiFi solution deployed
What our customers say…
The service provided by Redway Networks throughout the implementation was impeccable
Maria Lee, Ryvers School
The Challenge
- No central network management system in place
- 1:1 deployment deadline required rapid implementation
- Ownership of solution
- Find economical WiFi solution
- Increase WLAN security
The Solution
Ryvers School chose to implement the AP130, which is for ultra-high density environments, powerful enough to provide all the services needed for an enterprise network, and inexpensive enough to deploy for ultra-high capacity networks. The AP130 combines 2×2, 2-stream, 802.11ac WiFi technology and advanced security and device lifecycle management together into a cost-optimised solution that allows you to deploy high speed WiFi into every classroom. Along with Hive Manager Online for cloud-based network management. 26 x AP130’s were deployed in a quick timescale across the school’s three sites and two modular buildings.
“Ryvers Primary School came to Redway Networks with a requirement to replace their legacy wireless infrastructure. The Redway team were very committed from the initial engagement and ensured they walked the school through every stage of the project from the survey, proposal and deployment. Once completed we had great pleasure in receiving the thumbs up to say the solution was a huge success, we also took satisfaction in knowing the school’s wireless needs have been future-proofed for many years” Leigh Hayes, Redway Networks Sales Director.
- Robust cloud-enabled enterprise WiFi seamlessly deployed across school
- Controller-less architecture mitigates risk and single point-of-failures
- Ownership of solution
- Using Hive Manager for centralised WiFi network management
Redway Networks are specialists in school WiFi surveys and network installations. If you are looking to install a school WiFi network or are having issues with an existing one, contact us and see how we can assist with your next WiFi project.